More F'ing Advertising Week


Whoa. It's Thursday and we're just getting to Tuesday. Wait, what? You mean you don't realize it's Advertising Week? Of course you do and that also means you know it's a crazy week in the city of New York. There's only about 4,364 things to do everyday and it's hard to keep up. But, we do our best.

So on Tuesday MIXX held the second of its two day conference. The day was filled with informative session but all anyone cared about was seeing Ashton Kutcher who appeared at the end of the day to talk about his company, Katalyst Media, "a studio for social media creating original digital media, television and film properties." As Kutcher took the stage, hands were filled with digital devices capturing the moment as if it were a Jonas Brother concert - expect with less screaming and no jumping up and down.


At the end of the day, the IAB MIXX Awards were held. Saturday Night Live veteran Jim Breuer provided the humor and Best in Show was won by Tourism Queensland and CumminsNitro Brisbane for "The Best Job in the World," More on that here.


Also Tuesday night was the YouTube-sponsored Battle of the Ad bands. As always, the event was both amazing and hilarious. There's some amazing talent and dedication out there. And, like last year, McCann Erickson's More Fucking Cowbell won the event. Big hair. Eighties. Journey. Hot dancers. It was a lock from the start.

Tribal DDB's Jason Pickar won Best Solo Singer and Le Schmeatles fom Initiative won the EA Beatles Rock Band portion of the Battle. The whole thing is one of the best events of the week.


Sadly, because the MIXX Awards, Battle of the Ad Bands and Adify's party were all held on the same night, someone had to be the loser. Adify took that honor with a sparsely attended party at Jay Z's 40/40 Club. It's no fault of Adify (other than one of scheduling) as last year's party at the same venue (on a night which didn't conflict with other events) rocked. Lots of pictures from last year here. Not so much from this year.

by Steve Hall    Sep-24-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   

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