Doggy Style, The Little Toad and The Rider. Yea, It's A Condom Campaign
OK then. What's Advertising Week without the Pièce de résistance of advertising? Nothing. So it's our duty on this fine sunny (at least in New York) Monday to present yet another sex-laced advertising campaign. This one's from Barcelona-based Suigeneris for La Condoneria. Yea, it's a condom store and the campaign's called Rub-It. Yea, you read that right. Rub it. Which kinda makes sense for a condom campaign, right? After all, that's what you do after you put one on.
Three executions of the campaign, Doggy Style, The Little Toad and The Rider...oh we don't have to tell you what the ads refer to, do we? If you haven't a clue then go pick up a copy of The Joy of Sex or something and edumacate yourself.
And then once you're all edumacated, run out to La Condoneria (if you live in Barcelona) and buy yourself some condoms. Then get busy rubbing them where the book tells you to rub them.
OK, got it? See al three ads in their graphic goodness (illustrations) here, here and here.