OfficeMax Pranks, Sausage Titillates, Bikinis Stimulate


- OfficeMax is out with even more Penny Pranks foolery. They've added seven videos featuring improv actor Matt McCarthy and a "billionaire" boy who attempt to buy expensive items with pennies.

- The UK's Mattison's has got itself in trouble with the Advertising Standards Authority over some suggestive sausage ads. But come on. You can't even say the word sausage without conjuring some sort of innuendo so why try to regulate it?

- Yawn. Women wearing bikinis read Star Wars script to pimp 1690 Swimwear.

- it's official and it's sad. Vogue's September issue has 36 percent fewer ad pages this year.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Policy, Video   

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