The Perfect Date: A Moonlit Evening...And A Giant McDonald's Logo


There's advertising on rockets so why not on the moon? If Moon Publicity has its way, it'll use an army of small robots to create logos on the dusty surface of the moon which, presumably, will be visible from earth.

Now, instead of guys going all out to impress dates by professing their love with sky writing or blimp messaging, they can pay millions to have their message of love carved on the surface of the moon. Though we're thinking the lead time might result in certain professions of love becoming a bit out of date.

OK so the whole professing one's love to another on the moon is stupid but so is defacing the moon's surface with logos that will ruin its natural beauty. Did we say stupid? Yea, stupid.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Outdoor, Worst   

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