Movies Save Us From Summer's Annoyances


Well who knew summer could be such a challenge? It's suppose to be all warm and fun and adventurous and outdoorsy. You're supposed to take trips to the ocean, the mountains, the park, go for a hike, have a picnic and generally suck up the lushness of it all.

Well, the two poor souls in this clip just can't seem to get their summer groove on. That is until they make their way to the safety of an air conditioned movie theater. Yes, UK movie site, Focus wants us to forget those romantic walks on the beach, those hikes in the woods, those second dates at undiscovered restaurants and...a make our way to the dark confines of a movie theater.

Hey, it's not all bad. Sometimes the movies are even good.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Video   

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