Are People Really That Helpless With A Video Camera?


You've seen them. The fake videos that attempt to pass themselves off as real all while minimizing the fact their just ads for brands. Some are stupid. Some are funny. Most are lame.

But they all have one thing in common. People who are seemingly incapable of holding a camera steady while filming the idiocy. Seriously. It's not that hard and you don't have to be a Hollywood DP to film something without the camera becoming possessed by an epileptic seizure.

Annoying and idiotic as the commonality is, it's never going to change. Why? Because if the camera remained on the video's primary subject, we'd get to see behind the curtain and the video would become even more obviously fake than it already is.

So here we have yet another shaky cam "viral video" selling some random energy drink.

by Steve Hall    Jul-22-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Bad, Strange, Video, Viral   

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