Tim Gunn Touts Tide. Consumer Reports Corrects Him


Tim Gunn knows a thing or two about fashion. By association, he knows a thing or two about laundry detergent. Strike that. He only knows what Tide pays him to know. In a recent Tide Total Care commercial, Tim touts the anti-fading qualities of the product.

Taking Tim's Tide claims to task is Consumer Report's Theresa Panetta who examines the commercial's claim Tide won't fade clothing after 30 washes. After testing the claim against two other detergents, Consumer Reports found Tide Total Care faded a test dress "just a little bit" compared to All Small and Mighty.

But the big insight was discovering the third detergent, Tide 2X Ultra Coldwater, did just as well as the other Tide detergent, Total Care, at half the price.

So while Tide's commercial claim is technically true, they'd rather us not know they make another product that does just as ell but costs half as much. Greedy bastards.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 9-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials   

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Call me old fashioned, but he's a more annoying brand spokesperson than mr. whipple

Posted by: Kevin Horne on June 11, 2009 11:57 PM