Qdoba Burritos Smack of Stop-Motion Freshness
There's something about stop-motion vegetable videos that: 1) soothes us, and 2) convinces us anything the associated brand says is true, including the oft-repeated lie that the food involved is fresh.
Not that we're in any position to judge the freshness claim tied to Qdoba's handmade burritos, which we've never tried and which actually look appetizing, actually. Would be nice to sink our jaws into some cheesy beans and warm tortilla right now.
Work by Amalgamated, best remembered by us for its final-frontiersy attitude toward bodily fluid's true colours.
Nice work. These guys don't get as much exposure as they should.
I wish I was in the room when they sold this. CD: "We open on an overhead shot of hands making a burrito...then cut to the logo." Client: "30 seconds of my product? I don't like it. I LOVE IT." Seriously, do guys feel the slightest bit guilty when your retainer check arrives each month?
Yay stop motion. So original 2 Miami Ad Tards are using the same thing to try and get bent over a drafting a table at CP+B.