Audrina Patridge Says Carl's Jr. is Huge


"It's Carl's Jr. It's huge." Carl's Jr., thanks you, Audrina Patridge. After all, every guy likes to be called huge. OK, so you were talking about why you chose to appear in the chain's latest commercial in this behind the scenes look at the commercial's shoot but still.

So you needed a break from your The Hills gig. That's cool. We're fine with that. But there's just no way anyone is going to top the original Paris Hilton version of this hottie-eats-a-burger-in-a-bikini thing.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials   

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My Name is Carl, and I knew already. They all say so...

Posted by: Carl on June 8, 2009 4:02 PM

Decent bod on her and a great burger. Best of all they blocked her face and kept her from talking with the burger.

Burger Pacifier anyone?!

100% teh win!

Posted by: Jim on June 8, 2009 4:29 PM

Seriously, she is a disgusting hypocrite for this after doing a animal adoption ad. She only has a concern for her bankroll which she might perceive as her actual worth with as depressingly misogynistic and shallow as the modeling cult is.

Additionally, the screams from the agonizing cow who provided that cheap, subsidized burger aren�t fully represented in this sex-driven message which says �speciesist murder is sexy & healthy� (maybe healthy for Carl�s Junior�s profits).

The reality of meat is that the world is being deforested, and many species going extinct, to provide the least healthful meals for the growing human population. Most obviously culpable are over-consumptive, parasitically privileged cultures of the "first world", typified with direct exploitation of the people and environment of the "third world". Consider that a cow has been brutally slaughtered for it. How is that appetizing, it's heinously cruel. Their pain comes back around. This debt won't go unpaid!

The corporate media channels exist to program us into drone consumers and generate more profits for fat cats who guiltily lounge in the exorbitant spoils of selfish oppression at other animals' and other human beings' expense. Please understand that "meat means animal abuse".

Going vegan is as easy as eating salad and being concerned for the wellness of each sentient being. Don't sleepwalk through your lifetime, wake up and smell the roses! Ethically, there are no excuses for continuing the devastation of our environment and innate suffering involved in exploiting animals for "food" or any other purpose to us. see or or

Posted by: veganerd on June 25, 2009 11:41 PM

I think that this commercial is hot! Audrina looks good, especially in that gold bikini from!

Posted by: mary on July 1, 2009 5:06 PM