Nikon Equates Megapixels to Boob Size


Bigger is always better, right? Well, at least when it comes to boobs and...wait. what, cameras? Yes, according to Nikon (or whomever created this ad which may or may not be real), like a D cup versus a B cup, 3 million pixels are better than 2 million pixels.

Given this ad refers to 2 and 3 megapixels, it's quite clear it's is several years old. And given current cameras average 8-10 megapixels, were this ad to run today, the poor model on the right would be so big, she wouldn't fit in the frame. And then Nikon would have to start promoting wide angle lenses and then...well, who knows where it would end.

by Steve Hall    May-11-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy, Strange   

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