Stupid Guys And Bikini-Clad Bimbos Need Not Apply
OK, Carlton Draught, maker of The Big Ad, we do love your quirky approach to selling beer. For years, you managed to do it without making guys look like idiots or tantalizing us with bikini-clad bimbos. For that alone you should get some kind of award.
We like your new Drop the Bomb ad. Getting a car to hit a target from 14,000 feet above is more fun than watching two busty babes in bikinis wrestle in the mud. Oh wait. Well, maybe not as much fun but at least your effort required some brain power and skill to pull off.
Yes, you've done the skydiving thing before but tossing a car out of an airplane (yea, that's been done before, too) doesn't require breast implants. Huh? Anyway, it got a girl - who is fully clothed - a new car. How sweet.