Puma Tries Hand at Digi-Love
For client Puma, Droga5 produced "Lift," an ad in which an avatar-like couple engages in a sultry courting ritual where nothing's really what it seems, and everything changes, and expectations between man and woman differ -- and it's all out there for you to see, projected on the walls and riffing off their bodies.
Didn't do much for us. If you wanna play girl-meets-boy, you'd be better served by the naughty-naughty Levi's or even childlike, slightly macabre Scion.
reminds me that advertising can be beautiful. well done.
reminds me that advertising can be beautiful. well done.
I agree, it's absolutely beautiful. More like an art film than an ad. I love it.
I found this not just incredibly boring and self-indulgent (Gondry lite) but ultimately a big mistake for Puma as a brand. It turns Puma into just another fashion brand, and not a very interesting one at that.
so many brand experts ... "makes them blah, blah, blah"
it's a great ad. awesome.
Riney used projectors a while back. Not saying a technique can't be used again, just saying I thought of this:
Riney used projectors a while back. Not saying a technique can't be used again, just saying I thought of this: