McDonald's Coffee Helps Dad Show the Love


OK, can you say forced? Yes you can. It's easy. First you elude to the fact your daughter is or isn't on the hockey team with the rest of the boys. Then, when she asks, "Dad, do you wish I was a boy?", you pull out some lame hockey references and deliver them with the demeanor of a guy making excuses to his girlfriend for blowing off their date last night.

And then, for the money shot, you quick cut to a close up of a McDonald's coffee cup...and OMFG...deliver the killer line, "If you were a boy, who'd be my little girl?"

Amazing what a cup of friggin' coffee can do for tongue-tied men of the world.. Thanks for sharing, Cossette.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Strange   

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