Social Media Used to Slam Social Media...And Promote A Brand?
Hey all your social media strategists out there. It looks like you have a doubter in your midst. A man who goes by the name of Carlos Mandelbaum is featured in an Andy Rooney-style video that questions the social media notion that advertising is now all about creating brand conversations.
Lending some doubt to the fact (or not) this is just a guy commenting on social media as oppsed to a cheeky social media effort in and of itself, consider the following:
1. A search for Carlos Mandelbaum turns up nothing but these videos.
2. Well known social media/seeding agency ammo marketing is mentioned.
3. Comments to the video and suspect, at best: "Yet another brilliant insight from Carlos, a master brander if ever there was one. It is a shame that fewer than 200 have accessed his wisdom when it is freely accessible to all. Personally, I talk about brands all the time. But I do not and will not talk TO them."
4. The video ends with his email address which just happens to be an address, Apple's web application service.
There's another one of these out there.
Maybe it's a tease for something on the SuperBowl tomorrow.
Ammo denies being involved - see link to Adholes where we're discussing Mr. Mandelbaums' violation of our terms of service.
Here is my response to Carlos' video. How Burger King is doing it.