Leo Burnett UK Takes A Motrin, Offers 2009 Predictions
Hmm. Leo Burnett must have been taking Motrin when they created their latest Future Trends in Advertising video. As soon as Ben starts talking, WHAM, block type assault you with what Leo Burnett believes will "define 2009."
Something about a New Realism, Human Reassessment, Hyper Reality, Eco Austerity, Thread Marketing and other postulations ensue.
The video is best watched with your eyes closed. Or, better yet, just read the text on YouTube. Even better, run it through Babelizer and maybe, just maybe, something even remotely understandable will be produced.
Prediction: Few people will bother watching Leo Burnett's Predictions for 2009. Had to turn it off after about 10 seconds. Didn't this douche present a similarly unwatchable video last year? Maybe the production budget was cut after the agency had to cough up $15.5 million to the U.S. Army.