Playboy Mexico Celebrates Christmas with the Virgin Mary


Because even the baby Jesus had to suckle from a mammary, and where there's an iconic boob in the open air, there's a photographer just waiting! to pounce.

And you thought sex and religion couldn't mix.

Here the virgin of Guadalupe is represented by the sublime Maria Florencia Onori. A NSFW variant from inside the magazine is available at Laura Martinez's blog. The edition's already sold 80,000 copies since its release just days ago.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-12-08   Click to Comment   
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I'm compelled to go to church NOW.

It�s refreshing to see that God had very good taste. Okay, okay�I can�t dismiss evolution, but if I were to believe that �Eve� was created from a rib, and so forth, it�s obvious only a genious could have designed such an attractive being with such beautiful curves.

Don�t believe me? Think about it�Michael Angelo (my favorite sculpturer), Bennini, and other could only COPY such great �body� of work.


Posted by: Dresden on December 12, 2008 7:56 PM

Wow! I found Virgin Mary Playboy nude video at
She so seXXXy ;)

Posted by: injalla on December 13, 2008 11:24 AM

Playboy got the idea from the new blasphemous book by Charles Webb. "Sex with THE Virgin Mary" published by mocks the Blessed Mother and the Church unmercifully.

Posted by: barryb on December 14, 2008 5:23 AM

I wonder, why they always provoke christians with such things.
When will we see such photo-series a playboy-bunny depicted as Sara, Abram's wife? Or as Siva, an indian goddes?

Posted by: Lionheart on December 14, 2008 10:06 AM

Mocking religion is one of the most effective ways to destroy its grip over the mindless masses. I applaud their effort.

Posted by: Randy on December 14, 2008 9:23 PM

Check it out... you can subscribe to Playboy mexico for free at

Posted by: Alex on December 16, 2008 3:21 PM

Check it out... you can subscribe to Playboy mexico for free at

Posted by: Alex on December 16, 2008 3:26 PM

Download magazine and I was not so outrageous it makes me those photos, if not judge for yourselves having to think, they can download the publication entering website

Posted by: alberto on January 21, 2009 11:58 AM

Download magazine and I was not so outrageous it makes me those photos, if not judge for yourselves having to think, they can download the publication entering website

Posted by: alberto on January 21, 2009 11:59 AM