If you don't attend Canada's first-ever Ad Week, you'll top off your creative career hustling gold watches. Or zazzing tourists over three-card monty. Or as one of those silver guys that move really, really slowly.
(Okay, probably not really, but think of the fun you could have snickering at the too-cool creative douchebags that all seem to get their retro glasses and sneakers at the same off-Broadway boutique.)
Positively charming guerrilla and print work by Bos/Toronto and Trevor//Peter Communications.
"Sure, we're using hyperbole," acknowledges co-CD Gary Watson of Bos, "but [...] unless you stop talking about being a part of this new age of communication and actually do it, you'll become obsolete sooner than you think."
We'll drink to that. (Bottomless taps: another good reason to attend Ad Week. And the sessions are supposed to be a riot!)