Hey, Gamer. Getchyer Face on Times Square!
Every Saturday in November, registrants for Gillette/EA's Champions of Gaming Tournament could have their avatars broadcast in gigantovision over the NASDAQ and Reuters signs in Times Square. (Those chosen will be emailed and sent a picture of their billboard for posterity.)
Few things are cheaper or more effective than a shout-out. See PGA Tour '09 variant.
By Proximity Canada in tandem with BBDO/New York.
This a GREAT campaign - very innovative concept and very cool technology built by Oddcast.
This is awesome!
mmmmm. I must have pitched this kind of idea a dozen times.
It's based on vanity. Do people really care? I suppose reality shows prove they do.
Personally, I think it's dull.
I'm with you, Floyd. But given the risk inherent to so many truly innovative ad campaigns, I guess it's some comfort that in many or most cases, a cheap trick like vanity fares fine. =P
Time Magazine did it a few years back as a promo for their Person of the Year (I think the year Gates/Bono won). In that case, everyone got to submit people who were their personal people of the year and got an email back. It's actually the same exact screen I believe.
This seems too restrictive to be really exciting.
In that case, everyone got to submit people who were their personal people of the year and got an email back. It's actually the same exact screen I believe.