Chevy Traverses Greek Mythology.


As one YouTube denizen noted about this latest commercial for the Chevy Traverse,

"Baphomet and Minotaurs are two different things. Baphomet has wings and the head of a goat. A Minotaur is a bullheaded man."

I knew that. Of course, that was in response to the commenter before them that thought Baphomet was real. The What the...? factor x 10 is in full effect here. So is the push to convince you how great on gas it is. Timeout. Sure gas prices have dropped lately, but 24 mpg ain't that great. More importantly, is that really all you wish for in an SUV? Let's try a plasma TV, Slash riding shotgun on the way to his private party and never having to stop for gas along the way because it gets 110 mpg. Now we're done.

by Bill Green    Nov- 3-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials   

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