Ad:tech Adrants Caption Contest.
Because you can never have too many of those. What will you win? (*thinks to self what he can promise that Steve will get stuck footing the bill for*) We'll get back to you. For now, settle for internet fame. Leave your responses in the comments for this gem from ad:tech yesterday. My first thought?
"Keyword: Sad."
"See, I still have plenty of space for ad display!"
That is indeed a dinosaur on my head, but I'm still glad to see you.
The economic downturn affected everyone at the company, but CEO Stanley Winslow never anticipated the humiliation he would endure as Captain Swag at the convention.
Please let that be a roll of quarters, please let that be a roll of quarters...
Note to self: Next year--codpiece.
(Guy on left with Coffee): Guys i don't see any dinosaur!
I'll be damned, it does lift and separate.
No, the "S" is not for "Senile". It's for "Smokin'"!
A $20 CPM??? I can obviously see your nuts.
This give new meaning to the term "Package Deal."
I will never again do a search for superballs.
"I see the beans, but where's the frank??"
Now that's what I call man-a-toe!
"When they said special appearance by Jurassic Pack I thought that was a typo."
From L-R: Starr Buck (a.k.a. evil villain "Blue Buzzard"), Superhero Hung Lo (a.k.a. "Greg Smith," an affable copier salesman from Tuscon), and a random woman who will be taken hostage by Blue Buzzard before the night is over.
I can't decide. Do I take the three-armed girl or Capitan Squirrel with the nuts of steel?
ok. i know... don't do it. do it do it do it. this picture MUST be appended to that one. er...
cover your eyes for this visual! must be 18 and over. :P
"Dammit, I forgot my greenman costume at home again."
Lindsey: Yes! Greenman reference! I think I have a cyber-crush.
Woman on the right mumbling through clenched teeth "The Captain Sassy costume was supposed to be for my eyes only..."
New this fall on NBC, Captain Skin and the Viagra adventures! (Hey, they did do Mannimal after all)
"I went to ad:tech and all I got to show for it that guys camel toe."
Man to left...."Would mine look big in that?"
Sidekick and dignity wanted. Inquire within.
A surprise appearance by Super Sac and his Nuts of Steel! He personally tea bagged copies of his new book, "Nuts for Point Roll?: Show 'Em if You Got 'Em".
pictured: (Left) First fan to view the famous Nuts of Steel, (Center Above) Super Sac, (Center Below) the Nuts of Steel, (Right) nut handler/press agent - Holly Holicker
You mean this isn't ComicCon?
Her smile would soon fade, when he told her where he keeps his voter registration card.
SO far, you’re ALL winners in MY book!
Starbucks plan to reinvigorating their stalling growth is unconventional, if not real hot and tempting. But is it scalable?
"As you can see, more eyetracking research is needed."