Vincent Price Incarnate Lures Mouse to Cheesy Destiny
This is disturbing. Seriously disturbing. Like a scene out of a old Vincent Price movie, a talking mousetrap taunts a mouse on the prowl for the cheese bait atop the trap. With equal levels of confidence and outright psychotic insanity, the trap beckons to the mouse until...snap...the trap captures the mouse.
But that's not where the story ends. Oh no. As the trap continues to creepily taunt the mouse quietly listens then makes an important decision. It eats the cheese and, because this is a dairy product ad touting the category's strengthening qualities, lifts the mousetrap bar and scurries away to the dismay of the mousetrap.
There quote a few of these oddities over ar Must Drink More Milk.
Created by Tribal DDB Vancouver, the commercial is for the British Columbia Dairy Foundation.
Completely terrifying.