Plastic Dream Shoes, Phone-Toting Thongs, Putting Out for Obama, the Skinny on Parker
- The US Army has released a list of new technologies that could be used to enable terrorism. Twitter, MySpace and Facebook make the cut.
- The recession's not real! And neither is your loneliness.
- Here's a fun little site. Click on a pair of shoes to see a luxe little ad -- er, "dream" about it. The image at left is for the Vinyl Mary Jane-looking shoes. The Ultra Girl Night Sky one is probably my favourite though: jelly shoes, underwater. How novel.
- You know you hate the new Pepsi logo almost as much as you hate the douche-tacular smile/grin logic behind it. Why not make a new one? Show Pepsi what it could've had for far less money than it probably spent.
- Is that a mobile phone-holding thong, or are you just happy to see me?
- Putting out for Barack Obama. Yikes.
- Everything you've ever wanted to know about the mad man we call George Parker.
- It's like trying drugs, except not.
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Consumer Created, Online, Political, Strange