Pabbit Promotes, Corbis Matches, Kids Cross, Shawn Pops
- So how do you promote a Philadelphia bar called Pub and Kitchen? You invent a mythical animal called Pabbit and make it your new logo. Red Tettemer created.
- Corbis has a new game out, The Modern Family Goes on Vacation, which combines matching images and taking a quiz.
- Like helping kids cross the street? Well then you'll love this game from Kwik-Fit Insurance. And there's lollipos too!
- Shawn Johnson's taco pops. Ooops, that could be messy. And wrong. Especially when it's a 16 year old girl saying it in an ad on national television while its twisted, in-the-know, creators laugh their asses off each time it airs.
- Second quarter spending fell 3.7 percent in Q2 2008 as compared to Q2 2007, the biggest drop since 2001.
- Wieden + Kennedy has dumped Starbucks citing client micromanagement as the reason. Client micromanagement? Nah, that never, EVAR happens.