German Doc Pitches Virgin OnD to Rack-Challenged Spice Girl


Aptly called "Melony B." Watch 'til the end -- there's a candy surprise.

Spice Girl Melanie Brown appears in the above animated piece for Virgin Media's on-demand movie service. Hoping to reignite her career, she visits a plastic surgeon who -- after an array of lame boob jokes -- draws what looks like an irregular pair of breasts but is actually the Virgin Media logo.

After yukking it all up (because through her glazed eyes, this wackjob can do no wrong), Mel B. marches happily out of the office with a Virgin Media contract in hand. Once alone, Dr. Strangelove tears his face off to reveal -- dun dun duuun! -- Richard Branson.

The notorious Virgin Group chairman chuckles at the camera and mischievously quips, "I've spiced up her life," dropping the German accent for his British one.

Over-the-top and outlandishly Virgin in style, the spot was animated by So! Animation for agency Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalf/Y&R. According to the Guardian, Live Action Mel B. got a real kick out of it: "I'm over the moon with my animated alter ego and the advert really made me giggle! It's definitely fresh and original and I'm going to make sure all my friends and family go to the cinema to see it."

If only all breast enhancement patients could be that easily appeased.

by Angela Natividad    Sep- 4-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Strange, Television   

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