Hot Blogger Calendar, 90210 Strip-Searched, Buffy Increases Church Abandonment
- Because what the world needs now is a hot blogger calendar.
- The CW's decided to let advertisers see snippets of 90210's content after all. I guess this means the PTC will be throwing itself a self-congratulatory cocktail party.
- OMG, OMG, a Facebook movie? the co-creator of West Wing? Does that mean there's a parity of significance between Mark Zuckerberg and the ruler of the free world?
- MySpace was the top display ad publisher in June; Microsoft the top display advertiser. Most of its ads were for Live Search.
- Audi ups ad budget.
- Toronto-based CFRB 1010 gets zig to pose provocative questions like, "Should panhandling be illegal?" -- then puts those questions in ironic places (like in the hands of a panhandler). Meheheheh. More shots of the execution at AdFreak.
- Fox claims -- and I shit you not -- there's a strong correlation between the proliferation of strong female role models like Buffy and church abandonment by female worshippers. Something about Wicca.
- Will Tim Hipperson fulfill his destiny as CEO of JWT?
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Online, Opinion, Outdoor, Strange, Trends and Culture