Dr. J Takes His Dr. Pepper on the Rocks


Dr. J puts a little throwback spice into Dr. Pepper with "Drink it Slow" by Deutsch/LA, part of Dr. Pepper's just-launched campaign, "Trust Me, I'm a Doctor."

In the spot, former basketball player Julius Erving -- your homie Dr. J -- encourages users to drink Dr. Pepper slowly, to better savor its 23 flavours. "Hey, I get it, 'cause half my life's been in slow motion," J adds. Cut to a sound bite of his dunking triumphs as he lobs an ice cube, slow-mo-style, into a faraway glass. I like the little kick he does.

Kelsey Grammer will to appear in a future spot as Dr. Frasier Crane. I'm hoping they also use Doogie, but it's doubtful since Old Spice already stole that thunder.

A younger Dr. J also appeared in a Converse spot this year.

by Angela Natividad    Aug- 7-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Television   

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What a tired concept. They really had to reach back for some "Dr." characters. Who's next�Dr. Dre and Dr. Who? Also, Dr. J used to be a Coca-Cola bottler. Don't know if he still is.

Posted by: HighJive on August 8, 2008 3:53 PM

Deutsch. Hahahahahahaha.

Posted by: Edward on August 8, 2008 5:39 PM