Not Every Suicide Note Looks Like a Suicide Note. (Some Look Like Kate Moss)


For the Looking Glass Foundation, which assists adolescents with eating disorders, DDB, Canada launched a PG-rated but poignant awareness campaign in British Columbia.

The "Pencil Marks" PSA features a girl charting her waist-slimming progress with pencil marks on a wall. The agency also distributed broken toothbrushes in baggies that read, "Attempting to purge, Jane B. broke a toothbrush off in her throat and choked."

See, if you're gonna be all pro-Mia, you need to get over your squeamies and use a finger.*

"Not every suicide note looks like a suicide note," the ad preaches -- an interesting message, given that anorexics get plenty of help with systematic starvation. The 'net hosts a number of pro-Ana support groups, and the members don't generally seem very unstable. They become casual experts in gaging calorie content and formulating fat-burning tricks and mental discipline games.

The campaign probably won't cause a stir of Toscani caliber, but it's already won the Foundation $1 million in gifted media placement from the British Columbia Association of Broadcasters.


* I'm kidding.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-18-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Guerilla, Online, Television   

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how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:00 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:00 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:00 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:00 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:00 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: anonymous on August 1, 2008 2:01 AM

how dare you post this. this isn't funny. you don't know what having an ed is like. so maybe you shouldnt be so judgemental.
dont try and understand if you're not going to. don't think you understand when you don't.

i hope so.
ed's aren't all giggles. and the word wannarexic is far from realistic. are you sure every girl wants fucked up teeth, brittle hair and nails and no energy or concentration?

thank you.

Posted by: Cassie on August 1, 2008 2:01 AM

;) Very few of us call anorexia and bulimia "Ana" and "Mia". Like friends? Perhaps...but the sneaky, nasty toxic ones that destroy your life.

For every Pro-Ana group, there is a group out there that is either pro-recovery or pro-support (meaning you don't have to be 'recovering/in recovery' but you cannot ask for 'help' in continuing your disorder) out there.

Thank you for posting this, but I suggest you also continue your research regarding eating disorders.

Posted by: Red on August 1, 2008 9:05 AM

Red -- fair enough. Girls aren't out there asking for "help" starving, but there are plenty of support groups that do help develop the disorder: sharing thinspiration, personal tips on how to avoid calories, count them or keep family members from noticing your eating rituals; swapping exercise regimes.

Cassie -- Everybody flirts with an ED when s/he looks at a waif in a fashion magazine and feels self-hatred. Fifty times a day, we all play with the idea of punishing ourselves to meet an ideal.

I haven't starved myself to the point of intervention, but everything an anorexic says to her "supportive" online community -- every shred of self-deprecation, all her little pieces of encouragement and resentment for the idea of fat -- we all think that way but never say it.

This isn't some abrupt rebellion of your body, like cancer; this is a problem that starts in our heads and works its way out. To some greater or lesser degree, we're all fighting some miserable private battle with it:

I know what it's like to want something unrealistic, manufactured and deadly, and I know this mindset is totally insane. But given that millions of women and men pursue it anyway, the situation could use a little humor. Better than treating it like an isolated taboo that needs ferreting out.

Posted by: Angela on August 1, 2008 9:48 AM