Country Music Artist Ashlee Hewitt Gets Mike Hard


Mike's Hard Lemonade is hard up for some social and consumer generated media action having gone down the road of the personalized fake newscast which, like, everyone is doing to the point of absolute boredom. So it's very likely Mike is really really hard right now for Nashville Star contestant Ashlee Hewitt who, on her own we are assured, has written a song about Mike's Hard Lemonade and how a group of girls used to come into a bar she worked at and ordered Mike's Hard Lemonade.

Hmm. And here I thought only rap artists embedded brands in there music. Of course that could simply be because I never listen to country music. Anyway, here it is. Be happy for Mike and his Hard...Lemonade.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Social   

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