From Cradle to Grave, Independence Blue Cross Wants Your Business


CEO Joseph Frick of Independence Blue Cross, the biggest health insurance provider in Philadelphia, used his recent colon cancer diagnosis to fuel this ad campaign by Tierney Communications.

The height chart at left lends a practical, and sort of charming, picture of how needs change as the mortal coil unravels. (Nagging question: why is 5'9," "Mammogram Reminders," followed by 6'1," "Senior Fitness Programs"? I thought people shrink when they get old? Is Independence just that good?)

Tagline: "Just a few ways we're here for you every step of the way" -- a little clumsy, but it gets the idea across.

Below, a few head-boppy spots:

- Chin-ups
- Doctor's office
- Sink

Each depicts a person's trajectory from childhood to old age. We like them, possibly because we're susceptible to Rod Stewart, but mostly because the idea generally agreed with us.

The campaign will run on TV, in print, over the radio and online. (Spots will be adapted into expandable ads.)

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This has been done like 1,000,000 times, both the visual and the copy.

Posted by: Schrodinger's Copywriter on June 2, 2008 10:12 AM

I think the height marks are meant to represent the height of the person's child. The child grows up and the parent gets older and is more in need of the stuff that Blue Cross is offering. But again, I didn't create the ad so I may be totally wrong.

Posted by: Clare Swarthmore on June 2, 2008 3:53 PM