Breaking News: Agencies Unhappy with Stock Photos


3/4ths of stock photo buyers surveyed by Photoshelter (399 out of 536 people, mostly art directors and creative directors) feel like they've seen everything stock photo companies have to offer. They also rated availability, quality and diversity of photos "poor to average."

See stats and charts.

In general, people seek images that are natural-looking, believable or candid. Sore spots include the "ethnic people (general lifestyle)," "seniors being active," and "current technology" categories.

Given the constraints (how do you make the contrived look real?), I admire the wherewithal of companies like Corbis or Getty. They sure do try to think of everything. That photo at left? It's called -- wait for it! -- "Bride Talking on Her Cell Phone."

Here's an idea, ad-heads: take your own damn pictures! Or get to know compfight. Intimately.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-19-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Online, Research   

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Yet somehow those stock pictures end up in every powerpoint presentation/brief of every agency.

Posted by: Somebody on June 20, 2008 10:30 AM

Open letter to U.S. Senate from a former KGB officer and
CIA "Filament" on Central Intelligence Agency conspiracy.
Copy to: CIA Director Leon Pinetta.

October 21, 2009

Dear U.S. Senators,

My personal situation and my deep concern about the
U.S. national security pushed me to write this letter. I was born in 1958 in
Ukraine, I'm a former KGB USSR and SBU (Ukrainian
Security Service) intelligence officer (major), and KGB "Nabat" anti-terror
group member (a sniper). In 1991-1992, as SBU illegal intelligence officer, I
came to Moscow to get into Russian President Yeltsin
"inner circle" to influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time.
Operation was in progress until Kremlin got somehow information about it, and in
1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage.
I had to resign and move to Europe for security reasons.

In 1995 I came to USA where I hoped to work for the government as
strategic intelligence analyst on my own project - modern U.S. national security
strategy. Same year I met two CIA agents and FBI National Security Division agent
in New York City and signed a certain obligation as "Filament".
What happened next showed that I was recruited by political action group
(within CIA Special Activities Division) agents. And next was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy.

They were impressed by my intelligence, counter-intelligence and anti-terror knowledge
and experience, and also, by my research in political science. I was really surprised -
they decided to "copy" my Moscow operation .I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and
work with Congress Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political
scientist through his Moscow representative, and could introduce me to the U.S.
Senators and Representatives. They wanted also to influence the White House
and approved my idea to create a special system of instructions for American
presidents on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning
and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy
and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations.

I was paid $900 just to start the job and they guaranteed me
"anything I wanted", including special CIA status ("stay in USA as long as you want
and do whatever you think is necessary") and best medical service ("same as we have").
It was absolutely clear that political surveillance and control over the
White House and the U.S. Congress, not national security, was and is
the CIA top priority. Besides, they were interested in effective interrogation,
tortures and murders methods (I gave them detailed instructions on that).
They asked me if I was a sniper, because they had "a job
up to my high professional skills" in America , though I' d rather work in
Europe (later I called Secret Service about this strange proposal - they
told me to "talk to CIA if you have problems with CIA".

In 1997 I've finished "The Professional" presidential handbook, a "system of
top political, espionage and war management for the White House". President Bill
Clinton used it to win 1996 election, but then he was too busy with his
impeachment. George W. Bush, Jr. , whose father was a former DCI and the
U.S. President, used my my " preventive war" and "America's global domination"
strategies, my total control methods (through "USA Patriot Act").
And his adviser Carl Rowe used my "propaganda and mind control"
schemes. I also take some responsibility for the war in Iraq - it was a part of
a long-term strategy of natural gas and oil markets control. Now, as I can see,
President Barack Obama is using my advices on economy, diplomacy,
domestic propaganda, war, and if he wants to build socialism, he's moving
in a right direction.

OK. I was in Washington , D.C. couple of times and met somebody there. But since
1998 I tried to avoid meetings with CIA and in 2000 I 've sent a letter to DCI George
Tenet, saying that I stop cooperation with CIA.They've pressed me very hard in return.
I'm immigrant, but it took me 3 years to get SS# and EAD; I have no green card,
no citizenship until now. For years INS ignored my family reunion
petition (they lied to Senator Hillary Clinton that my file
disappeared). Then there was open and aggressive surveillance in the
streets and taking pictures right in my face, illegal searches of my
apartment in my absence and stealing papers and phone books, breaking
the mail boxes and stealing my correspondence.I had to fight back.

In June 2001, three months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I've warned American
President George W. Bush and the U.S. Senate on CIA anti-American
activity, national security collapse and my personal situation.
Hillary Clinton, my Senator, took it seriously, but she helped my family only.
The White House sent my letter to the Department of Justice a year later
- no answer until now. NYS Attorney General refused to help me , too.
A month ago I wrote to President Obama ,Janet Napolitano, Homeland
Security Secretary and Mark Kappelhof, Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division -
same result. That's conspiracy - you ask the government a simple question and
nobody wants to answer it. Or they can't admit that American presidents follow
my instructions for 10 years ?

My life is hard, but I try to do something for America. In 2007 , ALGORA, a small
publishing company, offered me almost no money contract and released my "White
House Special Handbook, or How to Rule the World in the 21st Century", based on
"The Professional". There was actually no promotion, but at least students of
250 universities and colleges learn top political management in a right way
CIA wants me back no matter what. I have no job, no money, no place to stay
and I don't live with my family because I don't know what CIA is going
to do next. Still, I'm not going to be involved in other anti-American
conspiracy, and I want DCI Leon Panetta and his boys to leave me alone.
As a professional spy, I understand that sooner or later this game has
to come to an end - what end ?

To tell you the truth, I was ready to leave America , but then I said to myself
- let them leave, why me ?
As intelligence agency CIA does not exist, America is deaf and blind and
that's the fact we have to face. I want to create fundamentals of modern
espionage, counter-espionage, police work, war and special operations - the U.S.
national security system.

I do need your help
For additional information you can contact CIA Director Leon Pinetta, FBI
Director Robert Mueller, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton,
a former U.S. President.

Thank you.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
[email protected]

Posted by: Mikhail Kryzhanovsky on October 24, 2009 10:59 PM

Open letter to U.S. Senate from a former KGB officer and
CIA "Filament" on Central Intelligence Agency conspiracy.
Copy to: CIA Director Leon Pinetta.

October 21, 2009

Dear U.S. Senators,

My personal situation and my deep concern about the
U.S. national security pushed me to write this letter. I was born in 1958 in
Ukraine, I'm a former KGB USSR and SBU (Ukrainian
Security Service) intelligence officer (major), and KGB "Nabat" anti-terror
group member (a sniper). In 1991-1992, as SBU illegal intelligence officer, I
came to Moscow to get into Russian President Yeltsin
"inner circle" to influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time.
Operation was in progress until Kremlin got somehow information about it, and in
1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage.
I had to resign and move to Europe for security reasons.

In 1995 I came to USA where I hoped to work for the government as
strategic intelligence analyst on my own project - modern U.S. national security
strategy. Same year I met two CIA agents and FBI National Security Division agent
in New York City and signed a certain obligation as "Filament".
What happened next showed that I was recruited by political action group
(within CIA Special Activities Division) agents. And next was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy.

They were impressed by my intelligence, counter-intelligence and anti-terror knowledge
and experience, and also, by my research in political science. I was really surprised -
they decided to "copy" my Moscow operation .I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and
work with Congress Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political
scientist through his Moscow representative, and could introduce me to the U.S.
Senators and Representatives. They wanted also to influence the White House
and approved my idea to create a special system of instructions for American
presidents on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning
and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy
and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations.

I was paid $900 just to start the job and they guaranteed me
"anything I wanted", including special CIA status ("stay in USA as long as you want
and do whatever you think is necessary") and best medical service ("same as we have").
It was absolutely clear that political surveillance and control over the
White House and the U.S. Congress, not national security, was and is
the CIA top priority. Besides, they were interested in effective interrogation,
tortures and murders methods (I gave them detailed instructions on that).
They asked me if I was a sniper, because they had "a job
up to my high professional skills" in America , though I' d rather work in
Europe (later I called Secret Service about this strange proposal - they
told me to "talk to CIA if you have problems with CIA".

In 1997 I've finished "The Professional" presidential handbook, a "system of
top political, espionage and war management for the White House". President Bill
Clinton used it to win 1996 election, but then he was too busy with his
impeachment. George W. Bush, Jr. , whose father was a former DCI and the
U.S. President, used my my " preventive war" and "America's global domination"
strategies, my total control methods (through "USA Patriot Act").
And his adviser Carl Rowe used my "propaganda and mind control"
schemes. I also take some responsibility for the war in Iraq - it was a part of
a long-term strategy of natural gas and oil markets control. Now, as I can see,
President Barack Obama is using my advices on economy, diplomacy,
domestic propaganda, war, and if he wants to build socialism, he's moving
in a right direction.

OK. I was in Washington , D.C. couple of times and met somebody there. But since
1998 I tried to avoid meetings with CIA and in 2000 I 've sent a letter to DCI George
Tenet, saying that I stop cooperation with CIA.They've pressed me very hard in return.
I'm immigrant, but it took me 3 years to get SS# and EAD; I have no green card,
no citizenship until now. For years INS ignored my family reunion
petition (they lied to Senator Hillary Clinton that my file
disappeared). Then there was open and aggressive surveillance in the
streets and taking pictures right in my face, illegal searches of my
apartment in my absence and stealing papers and phone books, breaking
the mail boxes and stealing my correspondence.I had to fight back.

In June 2001, three months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I've warned American
President George W. Bush and the U.S. Senate on CIA anti-American
activity, national security collapse and my personal situation.
Hillary Clinton, my Senator, took it seriously, but she helped my family only.
The White House sent my letter to the Department of Justice a year later
- no answer until now. NYS Attorney General refused to help me , too.
A month ago I wrote to President Obama ,Janet Napolitano, Homeland
Security Secretary and Mark Kappelhof, Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division -
same result. That's conspiracy - you ask the government a simple question and
nobody wants to answer it. Or they can't admit that American presidents follow
my instructions for 10 years ?

My life is hard, but I try to do something for America. In 2007 , ALGORA, a small
publishing company, offered me almost no money contract and released my "White
House Special Handbook, or How to Rule the World in the 21st Century", based on
"The Professional". There was actually no promotion, but at least students of
250 universities and colleges learn top political management in a right way
CIA wants me back no matter what. I have no job, no money, no place to stay
and I don't live with my family because I don't know what CIA is going
to do next. Still, I'm not going to be involved in other anti-American
conspiracy, and I want DCI Leon Panetta and his boys to leave me alone.
As a professional spy, I understand that sooner or later this game has
to come to an end - what end ?

To tell you the truth, I was ready to leave America , but then I said to myself
- let them leave, why me ?
As intelligence agency CIA does not exist, America is deaf and blind and
that's the fact we have to face. I want to create fundamentals of modern
espionage, counter-espionage, police work, war and special operations - the U.S.
national security system.

I do need your help
For additional information you can contact CIA Director Leon Pinetta, FBI
Director Robert Mueller, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton,
a former U.S. President.

Thank you.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
[email protected]

Posted by: Mikhail Kryzhanovsky on October 24, 2009 11:00 PM

Open letter to U.S. Senate from a former KGB officer and
CIA "Filament" on Central Intelligence Agency conspiracy.
Copy to: CIA Director Leon Pinetta.

October 21, 2009

Dear U.S. Senators,

My personal situation and my deep concern about the
U.S. national security pushed me to write this letter. I was born in 1958 in
Ukraine, I'm a former KGB USSR and SBU (Ukrainian
Security Service) intelligence officer (major), and KGB "Nabat" anti-terror
group member (a sniper). In 1991-1992, as SBU illegal intelligence officer, I
came to Moscow to get into Russian President Yeltsin
"inner circle" to influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time.
Operation was in progress until Kremlin got somehow information about it, and in
1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage.
I had to resign and move to Europe for security reasons.

In 1995 I came to USA where I hoped to work for the government as
strategic intelligence analyst on my own project - modern U.S. national security
strategy. Same year I met two CIA agents and FBI National Security Division agent
in New York City and signed a certain obligation as "Filament".
What happened next showed that I was recruited by political action group
(within CIA Special Activities Division) agents. And next was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy.

They were impressed by my intelligence, counter-intelligence and anti-terror knowledge
and experience, and also, by my research in political science. I was really surprised -
they decided to "copy" my Moscow operation .I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and
work with Congress Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political
scientist through his Moscow representative, and could introduce me to the U.S.
Senators and Representatives. They wanted also to influence the White House
and approved my idea to create a special system of instructions for American
presidents on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning
and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy
and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations.

I was paid $900 just to start the job and they guaranteed me
"anything I wanted", including special CIA status ("stay in USA as long as you want
and do whatever you think is necessary") and best medical service ("same as we have").
It was absolutely clear that political surveillance and control over the
White House and the U.S. Congress, not national security, was and is
the CIA top priority. Besides, they were interested in effective interrogation,
tortures and murders methods (I gave them detailed instructions on that).
They asked me if I was a sniper, because they had "a job
up to my high professional skills" in America , though I' d rather work in
Europe (later I called Secret Service about this strange proposal - they
told me to "talk to CIA if you have problems with CIA".

In 1997 I've finished "The Professional" presidential handbook, a "system of
top political, espionage and war management for the White House". President Bill
Clinton used it to win 1996 election, but then he was too busy with his
impeachment. George W. Bush, Jr. , whose father was a former DCI and the
U.S. President, used my my " preventive war" and "America's global domination"
strategies, my total control methods (through "USA Patriot Act").
And his adviser Carl Rowe used my "propaganda and mind control"
schemes. I also take some responsibility for the war in Iraq - it was a part of
a long-term strategy of natural gas and oil markets control. Now, as I can see,
President Barack Obama is using my advices on economy, diplomacy,
domestic propaganda, war, and if he wants to build socialism, he's moving
in a right direction.

OK. I was in Washington , D.C. couple of times and met somebody there. But since
1998 I tried to avoid meetings with CIA and in 2000 I 've sent a letter to DCI George
Tenet, saying that I stop cooperation with CIA.They've pressed me very hard in return.
I'm immigrant, but it took me 3 years to get SS# and EAD; I have no green card,
no citizenship until now. For years INS ignored my family reunion
petition (they lied to Senator Hillary Clinton that my file
disappeared). Then there was open and aggressive surveillance in the
streets and taking pictures right in my face, illegal searches of my
apartment in my absence and stealing papers and phone books, breaking
the mail boxes and stealing my correspondence.I had to fight back.

In June 2001, three months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I've warned American
President George W. Bush and the U.S. Senate on CIA anti-American
activity, national security collapse and my personal situation.
Hillary Clinton, my Senator, took it seriously, but she helped my family only.
The White House sent my letter to the Department of Justice a year later
- no answer until now. NYS Attorney General refused to help me , too.
A month ago I wrote to President Obama ,Janet Napolitano, Homeland
Security Secretary and Mark Kappelhof, Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division -
same result. That's conspiracy - you ask the government a simple question and
nobody wants to answer it. Or they can't admit that American presidents follow
my instructions for 10 years ?

My life is hard, but I try to do something for America. In 2007 , ALGORA, a small
publishing company, offered me almost no money contract and released my "White
House Special Handbook, or How to Rule the World in the 21st Century", based on
"The Professional". There was actually no promotion, but at least students of
250 universities and colleges learn top political management in a right way
CIA wants me back no matter what. I have no job, no money, no place to stay
and I don't live with my family because I don't know what CIA is going
to do next. Still, I'm not going to be involved in other anti-American
conspiracy, and I want DCI Leon Panetta and his boys to leave me alone.
As a professional spy, I understand that sooner or later this game has
to come to an end - what end ?

To tell you the truth, I was ready to leave America , but then I said to myself
- let them leave, why me ?
As intelligence agency CIA does not exist, America is deaf and blind and
that's the fact we have to face. I want to create fundamentals of modern
espionage, counter-espionage, police work, war and special operations - the U.S.
national security system.

I do need your help
For additional information you can contact CIA Director Leon Pinetta, FBI
Director Robert Mueller, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton,
a former U.S. President.

Thank you.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
[email protected]

Posted by: Mikhail Kryzhanovsky on October 24, 2009 11:00 PM