ad:tech Miami Exhibit Hall Full of Activity, Requisite Distraction
After you've walked through the exhibit of just about any conference you begin to think you've seen everything. Thankfully, the intellect and sense are never let down. While the Miami ad:tech conference is a smaller conference compared to its Big Brother New York, Big Sister San Francisco and cousin Chicago, if you're not actually from somewhere in Latin America or Mexico, you feel a bit like you are in another world.
OK, so it's not that extreme but it's far different than being at a New York, San Francisco or Chicago conference and in a very good way. Anyway, enough blather. On to the pictures.
Good Pix. Quite a few of the hot brunette poured into the off-white dress. Most impressive. -Ted.
Compliments for the Organisation, Ad-Tech Miami was very informative. There was a clear distinction between the Miami show and the other Ad-Tech's we've been at. There was definately a focus on actually pointing people towards market opportunities.
Our readers found the show very interesting as well, and some of them already reserved a spot in their agenda's for the 2009 edition.
To see the Video Coverage we did of Ad-Tech Miami 2008, click below: