Support Barbarian Group's Eva McCloskey With Your Vote


Occasionally, important events present themselves which call for the entire advertising industry to band together as one unstoppable force with the sole mission of advancing a worthy cause and doing good for all human kind. One such event has presented itself today requires our complete attention and participation.

What is this important cause? Why the voting for Barbarian Group's own Eva McCloskey as Boston Magazine's Most Wanted Single, of course! What? Did you think we as an industry were going to participate in that Cannes Humanitarian Lion thing and solve all the world's ills? Of course not. That's way too much work. A simple hottie contest is much more our style so please, do your part. Vote for Eva and represent!

Oh and lest you think this is yet another example of Adrants' mindless obsession for surface beauty, I personally know Eva and she is one of the most amazingly intelligent and kick-ass women I have ever met. Not only does she brilliantly handle communications for arguably one of the hottest interactive shops on the planet, she participates in (and does the PR for) Boston Derby Dames, a Roller Derby (yea, seriously) league where she's known as Evalicious. Aside from flinging herself around the flat track on roller skates, Eva and all the Boston Derby Dames engage regularly in cause-related activities for groups such as the AIDS Action Committee and the Children's Hospital Toy Drive.

So show this good woman your support.

by Steve Hall    May-19-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Industry Events   

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