State Farm Hedges Bets for the Asian Vote


It's sort of thoughtful that State Farm feels compelled to pander directly to both mainland Asians and Pacific Islanders.

The question I really want answered is, who left that rug in the middle of the driveway?

Via Gawker and Multicult Classics.

by Angela Natividad    May-29-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Strange   

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Just want to go on the record. It IS thoughtful and even smart for State Farm to recognize diverse audiences. It�s just unfortunate that production budgets typically demand the minority efforts have to go this cookie-cutter route. If the general market shop produces ads to target, say, women, men, families, youth and other segments, rest assured there will be a unique photo and concept for each. But the minority shops are left with trying to cobble together whatever they can with substantially less loot. Of course, some will accuse me of whining here. Whatever.

P.S., The rug is the State Farm mnemonic device, although I realize you were joking. But in an Asian context, does it not look like Japan�s flag?

Posted by: HighJive on May 30, 2008 12:06 PM

Niiiice, HighJive. Red rug does triple-time: State Farm trigger, tribute to Japanese patriocy, and maybe a head-nod to the bindi.

Posted by: Angela on May 30, 2008 12:11 PM