Industry Suffers From Adbesity. Visit to Outhouse Cures All Ills
There was a wee bit of excitement when first visiting OvercomeAdbesity and that excitement was warranted. The site asks, "Am I Adbese?" and proceeds to analyze all the pitfalls of an industry that has gone from mostly independent, free thinking agencies with defined styles and characteristics to faceless conglomerates with the personality of that weird guest star on Boston Legal.
But, alas, a few links later, the site leads to Outhouse Communication, an independent agency that promises to solve the industry's ills free of the "lumbering machinery and clogged pipes of mega-advertising agencies." The agency is a "regional division of a wholly owned subsidiary of absolutely no one" and currently handles work for Krisy Creme, Diago, Unicef and the United Nations.
Employing the tactic of slamming the big guy to promote the small guy is far from original but this effort is moderately engaging and does cause one to question the merits of the industry's fast-paced consolidation.
About 2 minutes ago, I read this review and then proceeded to criticize the critic in what must, by virtue of reason, be a flagrant act of self-loathing.
The Adbesity site is a good site, a smart site, an amusing site that makes it's point. A full-fledged slingshot assault on the Goliath agencies is warranted and necessary regardless of it's originality in overall concept. It's kind of like the "Get out to vote" message�it's not "original" but important. Like Paul Rand put it: don't try to be original, try to be good. This site does just that.
In contrast, I just saw a site put up by Fallon. They had an original idea: as they move to new, ostensibly bigger digs, they've asked folks who've worked at Fallon in the past to contribute to the cause by offering up past awards that would be melted down to form the cornerstone of the new building. They then posted a page with a running list of the awards donated, who donated them, and other details which are all transparently self-promotional. Original, sure. But also, shameless, arrogant, out-of-touch and out of synch. Making a statement against this kind of excess of personality is at the root of the adbesity site. I don't think it's about taking on the big guys as much as it's about not wanting to be associate with the real crudity�the vulgaris�of our creative community. But that's just me.
coming 07/09:
Yo, Rich.
Calm down, dude.
Visited the adbesity site too. Guess what? It sucks. Cluttered and cumbersome. Verbose and inane. Trying too hard to be cool. Doesn�t help that the mess opens with a rolling super that features a fucking typo. Amateur hour, Rich. Sorry.
Did you write "Yo", and "Dude" to someone without formal introduction?
In regard to the call for calmness, please do note that I'm not the one so amped up that I've resorted to swearing to make my point. I thought I wrote something pretty eloquent and balanced. I'll have to read it again.
I just re-read it and it and my statement reads pretty calmly, but with heart.
So, anyway.
If you've read a book in the past 2 years, you'd have the patience to experience a narative unfold. If a message doesn't hit you smack on the noggin like an anvil whacks a coyote, that's actually good.
I know, I know: instant gratification is so instantly gratifying�plus some potty-mouthed boys just want to get back to collecting 15 second porn clips, string them together in imovie in order to get their tender 60 seconds of testosterone release before returning to their cubicles after "coffee break". I've heard, I've heard.
I didn't say the site was "cool". I said it was necessary. Though I've used cool as a short-hand in conversation, I haven't actually written the word to make a point since high school. Did you think it was trying to be cool? I don't recall a disclaimer on the site that said "we're trying to be cool". Me thinkest you protest too much. Maybe you actually found it to be pretty cool, but you hadn't had your "coffee break" yet, and you needed some, you know, instant gratification.
If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
It's interesting that at this point, you've read through 2 long postings that I've written. That's where my hope lies. That a site like adbesity that talks about a bloated, least common denominator industry and the instant gratification zombies that it would like to turn the mass public into has the opportunity to stimulate conversation full of colorful commentary. Some valuable like mine, some less so like yours.
Such is the work of genius.
Can you find the typo in the above message? Did the typo detract from the focus of what I'd written? And if I merely left it there to see how angry I could make you, will you admit that it worked? And if indeed it did make you mad, is it valid?
I am�I am Superman�and I can do anything.
wow, Rich, you are Superman.
a jackass too.
Does anyone else find it ironic that the guy bashing the Adbesity site goes by the name 'adorexic'?? Wouldn't that imply he deprives himself of advertising? Well then, your input has about as much credibility as a fat kid evaluating the nutrition profile of a carrot stick. I visited the adbesity site and thought it was spot on. I found the "clutter" intentional visual articulation of the very problem it sets up....not to mention, eventually leads the visitor down a path to resolve. All it takes is a visit to the Outhouse website to see these guys know how to do more than talk the talk. If more brands picked agencies like this, we'd all be subject to less of the horrendous advertising that's out there right now. Kudos guys.
Does anyone else find it ironic that the guy bashing the Adbesity site goes by the name 'adorexic'?? Wouldn't that imply he deprives himself of advertising? Well then, your input has about as much credibility as a fat kid evaluating the nutrition profile of a carrot stick. I visited the adbesity site and thought it was spot on. I found the "clutter" intentional visual articulation of the very problem it sets up....not to mention, eventually leads the visitor down a path to resolve. All it takes is a visit to the Outhouse website to see these guys know how to do more than talk the talk. If more brands picked agencies like this, we'd all be subject to less of the horrendous advertising that's out there right now. Kudos guys.
Jesus, you guys are pathetic, posting your support for your own work. Here�s the deal. You are undoubtedly the types who drive us creative directors crazy. You�ll show up with the nugget of an idea, but your execution is usually flawed and you require a ton of instruction from us to make things right. You probably go on and on in presentations, ultimately failing to sell your shit. My criticism of your stuff is not unique�the guys at Adfreak ripped you too. Go back and think about why no one, besides you, has praised your work. Then take a fucking chainsaw to it and slice out the fat, so to speak. Better yet, stop submitting creative for public display. Be professionals. You�re completely contradicting the point of your original concept.
First: you should not use the Lord's name in vain. That's not the way to have a dialogue. Plus, you should stop responding to this stuff. It really is beneath you, creative director.
I'm amused at how you slipped your title in at the first opportunity. I'm guessing your next entry will start, "Yesterday, while I was lunching with Angelina and Brad...".
Again: I think your criticisms are most likely a mirror to your own incompetence. It's usually that way with low level hacks that hide behind very un-creative director names like "Adorexic". It's a shame you're so lame.
See how that rhymed, Jingle-boy?
I don't think the point of the site was what you took it to be as evidenced by your closing statement about contradicting the point of the original concept. But then, it's kind of like asking an alcoholic to understand the downside of pounding down a fifth of scotch. I think you're probably to close to the problem being defined to see the forest for the trees.
Next. I was just at a design show where Adbesity received a gold award and a special judge's award ( special here meaning exceptionally good, not the "special" that is probably used to describe that little yellow bus you take to your "job" ).
Oh! I almost forgot. It seems that your research skills are as lacking as your command of the English language, your social graces and, clearly, your creative sensibilities. I do not currently nor have I previously worked for Outhouse. I used my actual name, so you could have Googled me and realized that all by yourself. Were you trusting your hawk-like creative director intuition, there?
I get it now. You didn't like the Adbesity site because it was talking directly to you. I get it. I get it.
And regarding that "Adorexic" name: Seems like that Blake b. guy ripped you a spanking new adhole.
Now see�though that wasn't outrageously funny, it's probably more sophisticated than anything you've ever created.
Oh! Ouch. That had to hurt.
Creative Director.
By the way an Adorexic can't call for slicing out the fat, you oxyMORON.
I'm cracking myself up here not because I'm being witty, but because I'm betting you can't resist the urge to respond. And if you resist to prove a point, I win anyway.
I am, I am Superman and I can do anything.
On another note. I'm a lowly, but proud designer, with no true glamorous title like creative director. Are you guys hiring?
Oh, snap! You busted me, dude.
Sorry, didn�t bother reading your entire last comment. Your meandering writing style is wearing me out�like your pals� adbesity concept.
You mentioned it won an award, huh? Wow, wonder how that must feel. Not to win an award, got plenty of those. I meant accepting one for mediocre shit. Guess that�s the way it is in Connecticut...
Later, Sup.
P.S., Actually, we are hiring. But don�t bother. If you�re defending dreck like this, I�ll never satisfy your creative visions. Or delusions.
Oh Giant Loser from Arkansas, Nebraska, or Wyoming. (NAh. Probably Jersey�working on used car lot infomercials).
I don't think I ramble as much as you have the attention span of a gnat. But, hey, I'm a bit Franciscan (tell me if you need that explained). I even have a kind of liking for the insignificant critters like the slug, The wombat, the pathetic adorexic.
We are talking about CREATIVE awards.
Not crow eating but not acknowledging it awards.
Did you notice (yet) that I haven't cursed once in all that I've written?
Did you hear that Jen and Vince broke up.
By the way: I'm willing to bet you've never satisfied anyone in your life, so why start now.
I'll embarrass you� he who suppresses his name so we won't learn that he's actually an intern in the mail room.
Adorexic. That's some choice dope right there, creative wizard.
Maybe you should have your copywriter edit your next posting. See if there's an ounce of wit in that lame firm of yours.
You create Sunday paper coupon ads, right? Am I getting close?
Talk to you tomorrow, mail room boy.
just a hint:
global agency network of the year.
never been to any of the locales you mentioned, at least not for a professional run. although any one still beats connecticut.
Yikes. What's with all the negativity going on here? Rich, I must have been at the same show as you last night because I heard about this "Adbesity" thing and saw them win the gold. It got me curious.. agree or disagree with the concept, the site and the mail piece are incredibly witty and do a far better job of using humor to get the point across than most of what I've seen recently. The writing's a riot and the design is organic and home-spun. It's worth noting that Outhouse picks up tons of awards at the shows year after year. I think they've only been around about 5. In my own estimation, they're the best shop between NY and Boston. Period. Adorexic, why don't you cool off and get back to that Global agency of the year. Stop being a hater. Might be time you explored beyond nyc... most of the world doesn't live there.
oh, man, you gotta get out more yourself.
the best shop between ny and boston? well, sure, but it's a short and lonely ride, don't you think?
happy holiday.