Hillary Gets Support From...Last Surviving Supporter


So here's one of those things that's so bad it's good or, well, perhaps it's just so bad it's just bad. You decide. Here's a dude who's portrayed as the last supporter of Hillary Clinton as the convention nears. Obama Girl he is not. Newsgroper's great at the fake blog thing but it's not so clear they're all that good at making spoofish video. Sorry guys. That's just how we see it.

Hey wait. We get it. It's supposed to suck! Genius! Brilliant! Awesome! The last standing Clinton supporter is a buffoonish emo idiot who can't lick and ice cream cone without getting it all over his face.

by Steve Hall    May- 5-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Political, Video, Worst   

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Got as far as the warbled "all byyyy myselllf" before bailing. Meh. This has something to do with advertising?

-- B

Posted by: B on May 5, 2008 11:18 AM