Budget Elicits UGC from Budget Travelers ... and Totally Fails to Budget Wisely


I don't really know what this video's all about, but I'm pretty sure it isn't worth $25,000 in prize money.

By the way, what a completely insane amount of dosh for a UGC contest. I mean seriously, way to piss off your bottom-line guys.

"Hey, chief. Uh, yeah. Not only did Budget not win new car rental customers, but our low-budget 'Travel Budget!' marketing strategy also cost us over 25 grand."

Just because you're not spending $2.5 million on TV doesn't mean you should wipe your ass with the savings.

UPDATE: It turns out the video linked above was made by Budget employees in a deluded effort to encourage more users to enter the contest. How. Very. Sad.

by Angela Natividad    May-23-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Worst   

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