Those WWJD Bracelets? Way Past Their Prime. It's iPope Time
If you've ever wondered what's on the Pope's iPod or how best to share your love of Christ with swag, now you can find out.
There is a blog dedicated entirely to the Pope. And it is called -- wait for it! -- Benedictions. And it's slathered with Roman Catholic must-haves and lots and lots of ads for Pope-related books and speaking engagements.
Probably my favourite ad is the one that says "His Holiness Comes to You on Three Dedicated SIRIUS Channels." At close second is this one for CatholicMatch. Really, there's just too much good stuff on here.
That whole thing about Jesus banishing the merchants from the temples? Totally confusing. Probably a gross misinterpretation. If I'd known my commercial interests were totally compatible with The Faith, I would never have strayed from the flock. In fact, toss me one of those rosary widgets and put me back up to bat for the home team.
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Promotions, Strange