'OMGWTFBBQ?!' is a Universal Sentiment...
...And Jagermeister's going for the glory. If in doubt, consider the curly straw action that ends each spot in these anti-Jager commercials. The logic, via Philipp and Keuntje GmbH:
For 6 years now Jagermeister has been positioned as the THE WILD DRINK. So our idea was to show the brand the way it is not, rather than the way it is. To do this, we developed a fictitious product - the exact opposite of Jagermeister: NotJagermeister.
"NotJagermeister." I guess Pixie Love Juice was taken. I only wish I'd been better prepared for the sparkly cock thrust. But that's the thing about zealous penises. They always hit you when you least expect them.
By the way, here's what OMGWTFBBQ means.