47 Minute Movie of Surfer Babes A Commercial for Roxy Clothing


There simply aren't 47 minutes in a day which can be allocated to watching a video simply to appreciate the fact, so we're told, the whole thing's a commercial for clothing brand Roxy. Even if it is, who really cares? The parts of the video that were viewed were enjoyable enough and, hey, who doesn't like to watch girls in bikinis surf, pose and frolic on the beach?

Given the choice of watching some cheesy commercial laced with creepy sexual innuendo written by some horny guy in his 30's, I'll take a beautifully filmed video thank you very much. And if it is a commercial, bfd. It doesn't really matter. OK, well it does matter. Especially if you're into surfing, like good music, know all the surfers featured in this film and want to see their stuff.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Good, Opinion, Video   

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Urrr its not a commercial its a surf vid. Surf brands (and virtually all other extreme sports brands) have been making these kinda films featuring their sponsored surfers/riders/skaters for the last 20 years

Posted by: Jay on April 7, 2008 1:45 PM

Urrr its not a commercial its a surf vid. Surf brands (and virtually all other extreme sports brands) have been making these kinda films featuring their sponsored surfers/riders/skaters for the last 20 years

Posted by: Jay on April 7, 2008 1:45 PM

The Search for Animal Chin, by Powell Peralta (aka The Bones Brigade) � epic.

Posted by: Edward on April 7, 2008 7:44 PM