Goodby, Silverstein Fobs Scented Candle Account Off to UGC
For the Mercury Radio Awards, Goodby, Silverstein + Partners (SF) put together, where you (yes, YOU!) can put together a radio ad for Riccardi Scented Candles. The best producer wins a Mini-Mercury Award.
The website includes a creative brief and a mute girl who makes encouraging gestures. You can add music, voice overs, sound effects and whatnot to your own :30 audio spot. If so inclined, listen and rate all two of the existing entries.
The whole scented candles thing seems kind of random. It got us thinking about Yankee Candle Company, a scented candle conglomerate that thrives everywhere we go. And we're always wondering, "How do these people stay in business despite their sickening incense smell and kitschy wax piglets?"
We concluded they stay in business because they choose locations with a strong Wicca following.
This is all just speculation. But Riccardi, you might wanna look into that. Follow the witches.
solid. you can win a shiny award for 5 minutes work. why can't they do this at cannes too?
that's about how much time I spend on each assignment anyway. what can it hurt?