Hast Thou Forsaken the Hopes and Dreams of Thy Patron Stork?


Monster.com's "Your Call is Calling" campaign has been a buzzkill since launch, particularly against CareerBuilder's darkly funny "Start Building."

But "The Stork" -- a :60 spot by BBDO, NY for Monster -- begets a bit of greatness.

You know that "What hath God wrought!" look your parents give you when you talk about what you do for a living? Apparently storks do it really well. Two hours later, we're still wallowing in quiet shame.

Jokes aside, the ad left us with a sense that there's magic and meaning in what a person chooses to do with his life. It's melancholy, well-timed and worth the watch.

If you didn't get it, or found the spot confusing, chin up; you are well-defended.

Dissatisfied with a certain yawning transition, Bob Garfield called the ad "monstrously flawed" and, in his comment section, did his best to make those who did get it feel decidedly single-celled. (It was probably the convoluted hepatitis comparison.)

Way to win 'em, Sally Sunshine.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-21-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television   

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