Wendy's Leaves Behind Fun For Food Porn


Removing every last bit of fun and entertainment of Red Wig dude (love him or hate him) come two new spots (one, two) from Kirshenbaum Bond, its new work on the account. In these commercials, it's all about the product. Yea, we get a bit of the cute Wendy but for the most part, its food porn.

Who knows. Maybe these spot will get Wendy's back on track. At the least, people will know Wendy's sells food.

by Steve Hall    Jan-30-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials   

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Man, what an about face from their old Red Wig dude. At least the old spots didn't feel as generic as their new dubious claims to freshness and quality.

Posted by: Nik on January 30, 2008 4:47 PM

Barf. Every time I see the new Wendy's ads on TV it puts me in a BAD, horrid, ridiculously angry mood. Above everything in this world, I hate the VO lady. I hate her more than injustice and spinach mashed together into a paste.

Posted by: Gabi on March 19, 2008 3:05 PM

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