Minnesota Lottery Ads Capture Store Clerk Geekism Perfectly


The sad thing about this new Colle + McVoy-created campaign for the Minnesota State Lottery is that there really are real people in the real world just like the ones depicted in three new commercials. You've met them. They might work at your local convenience store, the local Best Buy or, perhaps, CompUSA. You know the type. The ones who look so goofy you can't believe they don't, themselves, believe they look goofy. Or the ones who say and do things so strange you can't believe they don't, themselves, know they sound and look like an idiot.

This campaign, which features two store clerks, captures that experience beautifully, especially the Smile spot in which one of the goof balls, in answer to the customer query, "do you guys sell scratch game here?", says, "yea" and then just stands there smiling refusing to veer from his strict belief in the can I/may I rule.

In another spot, the clerks debate the length of an instant and, in a third, practice their "winning holiday scratch game secret handshake." Good stuff.

by Steve Hall    Jan-21-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange   

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