KFC Colonel Dances to Make us Dance to Make Celebs Dance ... for Charity.


In Super Bowl spirit, but really just to promote its spicy crunchy Hot Wings, KFC is donating $260,000 to charity on behalf of the first football player or celebrity to do an end zone Chicken Dance.

That seemingly arbitrary figure, says KFC, is the cost of three seconds of ad time in the Super Bowl. The company gleefully calls this "bucking traditional advertising."

Upload your own chicken dance at Show Us Your Hot Wings. The website includes a promotional pep-talk and dance from the Colonel.

Watching that old man switch on a boombox and clap his hands for charity chicken is unspeakably depressing. Sort of like this was.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-24-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Cause, Online, Super Bowl 2008   

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