Delta May Shortchange You at the Counter, But Hey, Wanna Laugh About It?


What do you get when you mash up the quirky language spots proffered by Berlitz, and self-deprecating animations for Virgin America?

You get Planeguage by Delta. (Or more accurately, by CAA.)

See the spot entitled "Middleman" here.

The music's a little jarring but the scenes -- unrestrained kids, the woman who keeps opening and closing her shade, the little dance you do when you've been holding your pee -- are too close to home not to crack a smile.

Nice to see airlines spending money on advertising again. Now, if only they could pull their CRM act together. Some watchers have commented a company like Delta should hold off on making jokes about their crap airline experience -- when it's you that gets stranded, and you that gets aisle-bumped, you're not laughing.

A cute campaign does not a great experience make.

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 1-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Online   

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