Agency Spy Gives Adrants A Nice Piece of Ass


Agency Spy is just catching up with the whole American Apparel "Gee, I wonder why women get raped" New York City billboard thing. We've had our say in interviews with Newsweek and The New York Times. While Agency Spy "verbally exploded all over" their cab driver after seeing yet another racy American Apparel billboard, we're just glad we can look at another piece of ass. Damn, that was mean, wasn't it? But thanks for that, Agency Spy.

by Steve Hall    Nov-28-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Outdoor, Racy   

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Not just catching up actually. We felt the need to post something only after seeing that fake porn ad that was posted on the LES.

We missed your comments in the Times, but did see your shout out in Newsweek when we linked to the article. Um, congrats? Hmmm... What a nasty little missive to us. Was it something we said? You didn't like our comparison to Smooth mag? Come on! That was funny! Heavens! Can't we all just be friends?

Posted by: agency spy on November 28, 2007 5:19 PM

AS, you will come to learn that even my "nasty missives" are nothing more than a sign of affection for a fellow ad mate:-)

Posted by: Steve Hall on November 28, 2007 5:28 PM

Poor show.

Don't battle the new kid on the block. People really love her stuff.

She can only win.

Posted by: Piers Fawkes on November 29, 2007 8:58 AM

Exactly what I said to her, Piers.

Posted by: Steve Hall on November 29, 2007 2:02 PM