Timberland Recycles Commercial to Promote Eco-Friendly Boots


Arnold has repurposed its wall of rain spot which ran last year in Europe last year into an Americanized, full-on, politically correct, environmentally friendly campaign about Timberland's use of organic materials in its boots and how it's jumping on the carbon offset bandwagon. Carbon dioxide emissions associated with the campaign will be offset by Timberland's purchase of wind power from Western Massachusetts' Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort wind project. We're told the move will be equivalent to not driving 109,000 miles or planting approximately 44 acres of trees.

Old billboard materials from the campaign will be converted into tote bags and other advertising materials recycled.

It's all to promote the company's line of Earthkeeper's boots which are made from recycled materials. The campaign will run locally in Boston and Providence from October 15 through mid-December incorporating TV, radio, outdoor and online.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Online, Outdoor, Radio, Television   

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I realize the tone of adrants is snarkiness, but I'm wondering why talking about social and ecological issues always requires snark. Is it embarrassing to care about something? Just wondering.

Posted by: Antonio Lopez on October 16, 2007 7:47 AM

Snark? This is some of the straightest reporting we've ever done.

Posted by: Steve Hall on October 16, 2007 11:26 AM