Stinkton Heights Gets Bumrushed by Ban Girl in Online Drama
Of all the forms of product advertising in the world, we hold a special place in our hearts for personal hygiene efforts.
They walk this terrific moral and social line that's bound to result in lots of misunderstandings and wince-worthy ads. (Consider the moral dilemma sparked by the Dove and Axe campaigns. And the ads from when Lysol used to be a douche!)
For client Ban, Enlighten gives us Feel Ban Fresh. Follow the drama of small town Stinkton Heights, where everyone smells terrible and our protagonist, An Inconvenient Girl, tries unraveling the underlying problem. (On her MySpace, of course.)
It's times like this when we actually see Peyton Place in an idyllic light. Because while it housed plenty of skeletons, it lacked cheesy product promotion. ("Go Skunks!" Really?)
Angela... This is a joke... Right? I mean com'on there is no way this can be for real... But, yes. With the way the biz is going now, it has to be. There's only one thing left to do, I will have to kick the shit out of it on AdScam. Check it out later after a couple of drinks.
I'm sorry, GP. It's as real as your beard.
I agree that the site is pretty bad, though I don't know that I would go with the full vitriol that George did.
Sometimes I think people let crap get through because the tactics are the buzzword of the day - interactive microsite! MySpace! viral! No matter what the tactics are, it's still bad, obvious idea.