Romeo's Large Package Promotes Dutch National Ballet


When we receive an email which reads, "ADK Europe's first campaign for Dutch National Ballet saw the team sneak around the city at night projecting images of a man with a large package and a frightened young woman onto buildings," we wonder just what kind of big package they are referring to. Well, it's not the UPS kind, rather, the men-in-ballet-tights kind.

Anyway, it's one of those images projected on a building sort of campaign that also includes a mobile element. Those who see the projections, posters and other street marketing efforts are directed to call a number which plays, "This is Juliet/Romeo. You are listening to my voice mail. If you have the answer to my heart-felt yearning and can tell me where I can find my beloved Juliet/Romeo, please send me an SMS with details of where you have seen him, so I can go to him right away."

Aside from the humorous notion the word SMS would never be spoken by the Romeo or Juliet character, callers are sent a return SMS which includes the performance's website address and a question, which, if answered correctly, awards a pair free tickets to opening night.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor   

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