Wrangler Could Use Some Fashion 101 for Dummies
This is completely left-field. Eager to associate itself with Who's Next '07, an international fashion show, Wrangler (yeah, did you see that coming? We didn't) somehow deluded itself into thinking that setting mannequins all over Paris would be really clever and avant-garde.
We are overwhelmed by deja-vu.
Why do people think mannequins in human settings are going to be a big deal-maker?
Whatever. See the video here. It's a little long. The effort took 60 dummies, disseminated through the city in the wee hours of the morning preceding the September 7-8 show. We kind of think this one is sexy if you ignore the fact that Wrangler's logo is in desperate need of some contemporary TLC.
The mannequin effort was proposed and orchestrated by TriBeCa.
Here's a crazy idea: if you want to get all high-fashion on our asses, take the time to reposition your brand and maybe consider some new designers. We can't imagine wearing a pair of Wranglers without the requisite flannel. And unfortunately, we're not all lumberjacks.
Could have saved yourself the cash you spent on all those dummies.